The French comedian Artus released his first comedy, “Un pti’t truc en plus” (a little something extra) on the 1st of May 2024. This comedy focuses on the touching escapade of two escaped bank robbers, a son (Artus) and his father (Clovis Cornillac), who take refuge in a holiday camp for young disabled adults, posing as a resident and his carer. This comedy takes the approach of laughing with disabled people rather than at their expense.
Even though Artus had to deal with difficulties such as the fact that many brands refused to dress the film team for the Cannes Film Festival, the film was a real success. The comedy had the best start of the year in three days, with some 500,000 admissions, ahead of Dune. Part Two and Kung Fu Panda 4. At the end of its eighth weekend in theatres (end of June), the comedy written and directed by Artus attracted 7,728,212 admissions. "It's an immense source of pride for me and a historic moment", writes Stanislas Carmont, one of the eleven amateur actors with disabilities who star in the film - Le Monde (15 of May 2024) .... Figure 1 The crew of the film "Un p'tit truc en plus" at the Cannes Film Festival, in the Alpes-Maritimes, on 22 May 2024
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